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Configuring issue detection:

An issue detector is a part of the plugin that detects an issue. This section overviews each default detector, what it does and how to configure it.

Default detectors:

  1. Crash Detectors - Detectors that can detect when the server crashes
  2. Lag Detectors - Detectors that can detect when the server is lagging
  3. Error Detectors - Detectors that can detect when the server encouters an error
  4. Create your own - Create your own detector using the API


The configuration files for crash detectors can be found in "<ServerDirectory>/plugins/ServerAssistant/Config/Detectors/Crashes/"

Freeze crashes:

This crash is when the server becomes unresponsive. Config file: 'freezeCrashes.yml'

Config Key Default Value Description
freezeThresholdInSeconds 15 When the server has been unresponsive for this amount of time it will be considered 'crashed'
doSpigotRestartCmdOnDetect false If this is true, then the spigot restart command specified in 'spigot.yml' will be invoked before the server shuts down
isEnabled true If this is true, then the freeze crash detector is enabled. If it is false then it will be disabled

Hard (Error) crashes:

This crash is when the server encouters an error and has to stop. Config file: 'hardCrashes.yml'

Config Key Default Value Description
doSpigotRestartCmdOnDetect false If this is true, then the spigot restart command specified in 'spigot.yml' will be invoked before the server shuts down
isEnabled true If this is true, then the hard crash detector is enabled. If it is false then it will be disabled


The configuration files for lag detectors can be found in "<ServerDirectory>/plugins/ServerAssistant/Config/Detectors/Lag/"

Combined detector:

This detects when the server tickrate drops below a threshold or when the server's memory usage goes above a threshold. Config file: 'combinedDetector.yml'

Config Key Default Value Description
memoryThresholdPercent 90.0 When the server is using this % of allocated memory, or higher, then it will be considered as lagging. Set to 100%+ to disable memory counting the server as 'lagging'
tpsLagThreshold 17.0 When the server's tickrate (How many game ticks per second, aka tps) falls below this threshold the server will be considered lagging. Set to 0 to disable tps counting the server as 'lagging'
grabTimings true If true, then the server will (when it lags) grab timings data and include it in the report. Timings data is only recorded a maximum of once per hour
grabThreadDump false If true, then the server will (when it lags) grab a thread dump and include it in the report
minimumTimeBetweenReportsMins 3.0 The minimum number of minutes between lag reports
doSpigotRestartCmdOnDetect false If this is true, then the spigot restart command specified in 'spigot.yml' will be invoked when the server lags.
stopServerOnDetect false If this is true, then the server will be shutdown when it lags.
isEnabled true If this is true, then the combined lag detector is enabled. If it is false then it will be disabled


The configuration files for error detectors can be found in "<ServerDirectory>/plugins/ServerAssistant/Config/Detectors/Errors/"

Exception detector:

This is when the server generates an exception (An error occurs). Config file: 'errorDetector.yml'

Config Key Default Value Description
detectOnlyUncaughtExceptions false If true will only detect exceptions that aren't caught anywhere. (If you are not a developer, do not worry about this). So if you 'catch' the exception anywhere, it is ignored.
isEnabled false If this is true, then the exception detector is enabled. If it is false then it will be disabled